SpeakersDr Mike Fitzpatrick, general practitioner, writer on healthKit Lewis, director, Space Around PeopleNathan Waterhouse, co-lead of OpenIDEOMartyn Perks, manifesto convenor, speaker and writer on designPeter Mills, Strategic planning director at The TeamChaired by Jason Mesut, head of user experience at RMA consulting
Continue ReadingEngineers, be bold – Britain needs grander designs
First published in The Independent. Co-authored with Paul Reeves. A dearth of real engineering ambition is holding back the sector. Big, ambitious projects are needed to put us back on track. Last week the Royal Academy of Engineering published a report Jobs and growth: the importance of engineering skills to the UK economy that claimed […]
Continue ReadingEvent: Symposium on the Big Potatoes Manifesto for Design
The symposium will feature two debates – both being central to the Manifesto themes – with a final plenary to gather overall feedback. Each debate will be introduced with a provocation made by a member of the Manifesto team. Two external speakers will challenge the points being made, with the remainder of the time given […]
Continue ReadingMaking it in the 21st Century
The strand consists of five separate debates: Manufacturing: the great comeback?, Gas galore?, Fracking and the future of energy, Engineering design or design engineering?, Is water too cheap?, Commons people: music in a digital age
Continue ReadingBattle over the Internet
IntroductionIt's hard for most of us to imagine life without the Internet, even though it's actually quite a recent development. Although not originally envisioned as the ubiquitous entity it now is, its elegant design of distributed command and control means that its management and future have always been contested and to a large extent, in […]
Continue ReadingApple v Samsung: innovation’s the loser
Originally published on spiked. Last Friday, a federal court in San Jose, California awarded US tech-giant Apple a huge legal victory over its rival Samsung, which has been ordered to pay $1.05 billion in damages. Apple claimed its South Korean rival had copied a number of features from its iPhone, making it one of the […]
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