Organised by Information Overload Research Group.
For this year’s “Information Overload Day” on October 15th, the Information Overload Research Group is sponsoring an online Webinar featuring speakers that are focusing on the specialized topics of “Beyond Email – The Next Generation of Solutions”.
Topics and Presenters:
Welcome – Nathan Zeldes, President IORG and Founder of Nathan Zeldes Consulting
Introduction – Jonathan Spira, Vice President IORG and Director of Accura Media
Solutions Beyond Email – Marc Wright, founder of simply-communicate, will chair a panel of technology experts that will examine solutions beyond email. Participating in the panel will be Nicole Alvino of SocialChorus; Nick Mason, Founder of Turtl.co; and Martyn Perks, a strategic advisor on enterprise social networks.
Collaborative Team Tools – Marc Powell, managing director of Emailogic Ltd., will share insight on how we can embed new collaborative tools in our teams that will help us achieve our goals beyond what email permits.
Using Microsoft OneNote to Reduce IO – Dr. Monica Seeley, founder of Mesmo Consultancy, will discuss the benefits of Microsoft OneNote over conventional email and how it helps reduce information overload.
Concluding Remarks – Jonathan Spira