Today things are reversed. Out: politicians with conviction; businesses who innovate with products and services. In: politicians who interpret opinion polls; businesses who make sure everything is ‘tested-to-death’ so it works technically.Voting by clicks offers engagement with a button not a political idea. Similarly, businesses who chase their customers for ideas will end up in […]
Continue ReadingWhat’s the big idea?
Consider the new committee charged with making parliament more accessible to the masses. A specially designed website, chaired by once-radical MP Peter Hain, asks three questions: 'How could the Palace of Westminster be made more visitor-friendly? How could proceedings in parliament be made easier to follow? Does parliament adequately reflect the concerns of ordinary people?' […]
Continue ReadingTaking a shortcut around the digital divide
Nine other local government finalists were also awarded monies, all of whom, we are told, provided clear evidence of ‘cross-Government, cross-sector’ collaboration. Sunderland won, however, because it was ‘recognised as an example in how ICT technologies can be used to tackle social exclusion’. It had proposed ideas including ‘e-Champions’ designed to help vulnerable groups access […]
Continue ReadingDon’t curb design enthusiasm
Originally published in the Guardian. The idea of sustainable design is an oxymoron. Design is about exploring limits, not about imposing them. Energetic design … Tom Dixon’s New Light installation for the London Design Festival in Trafalgar Square last week. Last week’s London Design Festival showcased some great examples of contemporary design, with many exhibitions and events illustrating new […]
Continue ReadingAre marketers hiding behind UGC?
This is a widespread problem. Our faith is being tested when we are no longer in awe, inspired by or able to believe in anything remotely interesting put in front of us. And on the other side of the coin, those purportedly with ideas seem exhausted and vacant: they look towards their ‘users’ for […]
Continue ReadingWinners and losers in a troubled economy
One thing will be certain: winners and losers will emerge over the coming period, defined by how they chose to adapt to a tightening market and their increasingly demanding customers.The web certainly offers expanding opportunities for marketers to communicate with wide and diverse audiences, but it also throws up a whole new set of new […]
Continue ReadingGuest Comment: Creativity versus Counting
Understanding what people do online has never been easier and yet so fraught with difficulties. The huge recent growth in the customer analytics industry indicates that businesses are increasingly keen to learn about how their customers use – or avoid – their websites. But beyond the burgeoning trend, many continue to draw too bold a […]
Continue ReadingHands off our internet connections
Harmful Content on the Internet and in Video Games , a report by the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee was published last Thursday. The committee’s report draws on an earlier report for the UK government authored by popular clinical psychologist, TV pundit and presenter Dr Tanya Byron, published in March. The Byron Report concluded […]
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